DOT Inspection Services in
Sandusky, Ohio

Whether you’re an owner-operator or oversee a whole fleet of trucks and trailers, making sure the vehicles are running smoothly is just half the battle. The other half is making sure things are legally compliant. With Ohio Diesel, not only will we perform state and federal-level DOT inspections but we can help maintain records of your inspections in case an inspector comes calling!

Mechanic performing DOT Inspection at Ohio Diesel

DOT Inspection Basics

DOT inspections are mandated by both the state and federal-level Department of Transportation. Required for all commercial vehicles operating on the road, these inspections ensure that not just all truck and trailer components are in good working condition but that you or your drivers are qualified to drive on the road. Aside from the DOT, two other organizations oversee these inspections. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) oversees all inspections at the state and federal levels while the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is the group responsible for outlining the basic criteria covered by DOT inspections.

What to Expect from a DOT Inspection from Ohio Diesel

When it comes to DOT inspections, six different levels cover a differing and specific amount of criteria. The first level is the standard and often the one most owners or owner-operators undergo. This is an all-aspect inspection that covers every inch of your truck and trailer alongside the condition and documentation of yourself or your drivers (if you’re a fleet owner). The other four levels are more specific, covering certain sections of your truck and trailer, just the driver, or just the truck and trailer for example. The last level is only necessary if you’re hauling hazardous or non-standard materials like medical waste or nuclear material.

If you’re pulled over for a roadside check, it will largely go the same as if you were getting the process done in a shop. However, it’s important to act responsibly in the case of a roadside inspection; the officer will be watching for any abnormalities or red flags in your behavior that could negatively affect your rating and the level of inspection you’ll undergo.

After Your DOT Inspection

Once the inspection is completed (whether it’s in a shop or on the roadside), several things can happen. You or your driver and the truck and trailer can be considered all clear; in this case, you’ll be issued a CVSA decal which will signal you or your driver has undergone a DOT inspection and passed. These decals will need to be renewed every three months and are color-coded based on the monthly period you had the inspection performed.

However, if you didn’t pass the inspection this can mean one of two outcomes. The first is if non-serious violations are found. While the offending party (whether it’s the driver or the vehicle) won’t be declared out-of-service, the violations will still be logged and need to be fixed within fifteen days of the inspection; the fix also needs to be accompanied by a report to the FMCSA declaring all repairs were made within the time-limit. The other outcome is if serious violations are found. In this case, the offending party will be declared out-of-service and can’t operate until all violations are cleared.

Contact Us to Schedule Your DOT Inspection in Ohio Today!

Ohio Diesel LTD is fully qualified and certified to perform all state and federal-level DOT inspections necessary to clear you or your drivers and the relevant trucks and trailers for operating on the open road. Not only that, but we also offer full DOT record maintenance services. Let us handle the hassle of keeping things organized so the next time a DOT inspector comes knocking, you’ll have everything ready to go!