Truck Diagnostics & Electrical Repair Services
in Sandusky, OH

Electrical systems of modern heavy-duty trucks that integrate various moving parts are becoming increasingly sophisticated. However, if they indicate that an issue is present, it can be difficult to diagnose and fix. Many people believe that the only option for diagnosing and repairing electrical issues with their trucks is to take them to a dealer, but this can be expensive, stressful, and time-consuming.

Mechanic performing diagnostics at Ohio Diesel

About Our Diagnostics & Electrical Repair Services for Trucks & Fleets

Diagnosing electrical issues often requires specialized knowledge and experience to identify and fix the problem. For instance, imagine driving and suddenly seeing an unfamiliar light appear on your dashboard, or experiencing suspicious sounds and smells. While you may not understand what exactly went wrong, know that your vehicle is due for a diagnosis.

How To Identify Diagnostic & Electrical Issues

Although a scan tool is helpful for diagnosing problems in heavy-duty engines, complex techniques are often necessary to identify and address major complications. Also, while it is easy to diagnose some routine truck repairs, others demand an extensive investigation.

Here are several examples:

  • Your engine will not start.
  • Your brake lights are dim.
  • Your battery is bloated or damaged.
  • Your truck’s wiring is worn or discolored.
  • There is a distinct smell of burnt wiring.
  • There are issues with the exhaust emission system.
  • Unclean filters, loose throttle links, or a failed fuel injector contribute to decreased engine power.
  • An uneven fuel-to-air ratio that paves the way to black exhaust. Possible culprits are broken pumps or filters.
  • Oil oxidation in the engine which increases viscosity.

It Begins With Your Engine Light

Often, a check engine light indicates that your truck requires a checkup. A loose gas cap or a faulty catalytic converter can trigger this light. Regardless of the cause, it is crucial to address the issue immediately as soon as the check engine light appears.

Contact Ohio Diesel Today!

If you’re experiencing problems with your truck, we recommend scheduling an appointment quickly to avoid further damage. Our specialists have the experience, resources, and software to diagnose and fix any electrical fault with your truck’s brakes, engine, exhaust system, transmission, or other components. We also provide personalized suggestions to improve your truck’s overall performance, so don’t hesitate to bring it in for a thorough diagnostic test.